050415may May is one of my favorite months (October is the other) and so far it’s been great!  In just 3 days we’ve celebrated:

  • May Day
  • Free Comic Book Day
  • the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Derby Day
  • a royal birth (my money is on Alice for her name, since there’s no chance she’ll ever become Queen)
  • International Harry Potter Day
  • Space Day

I’ve also started clearing a spot under the tree in the front yard, anxiously awaiting the day I have energy to finish the job and plant my fairy garden.  The neighbor (and her 432 children that run amuck in our yard) is moving so this might finally be the year I can build one without worrying it will get trampled. Later in the month is Star Wars Day, Cinco De Mayo, A friend’s birthday, Hubby’s birthday, a trip to Harry Potter world at Universal, the end of the school year…. blah,blah,blah.

Long story short: I adore May. sp5


According to my WordPress annual report, I made a total of 9 posts in 2014.  Nine.  I’m in no danger of being described as prolific, eh?

Once upon a time, I studied numerology.  I was fascinated by it, really.  I’ll spare you the long version but my main number, my lifepath number, is 9.  Here’s what that means:

Optimists by nature, Number 9s have a happy-go-lucky approach to life, and they are more than able to cope with life’s ups and downs. Number 9s are sure of themselves and are generally content with their lot.

True that.


The calendar says it’s Spring, but I don’t think Mother Nature got the memo.  We’re still running the heater and the days are still mostly gray and drab, though they are getting longer.  At least the birds are getting chirpier –I hope to be free from this winter funk any day now…



thawing out?

This week’s polar vortex experience has put an immediate end to any dreams I may have had about one day relocating to Antarctica.  On the plus side, the combination of light powdery snow and  high winds made for some really pretty snow dunes on the front lawn:


Meanwhile, inside:     I buy all of the wooden pieces I use  for my designs naked and paint each one of them myself.  (so if you find one with a fingerprint on it, it’s mine)   Pictured below is just a teeny stack of progress… when it’s painting time, I do them by the hundreds!  The worst part about the  process is that ever since Macklemore went to the Thrift Shop, I can’t help singing  “I’m gonna paint some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket….” when I’m getting my supplies out.


And a wee bit of stitching was going on as well.  I swear, I’m the world’s slowest stitcher!  (is there an award for that?) I managed a little more on my “Crosses of the Kingdom” project and on “Merry Christmas Owls” which is from the latest Stoney Creek magazine.  I’m stitching it on 18ct linen over two threads with 4 strands of floss and it’s been a nice change from all the smaller stuff I usually do.


And finally, just because it’s cute, here’s a random cat picture from the internet:
